
Presentation : The Art of Infrastructure Elasticity (April 2012)
Cloud Developer Conference 2012 , Bangalore

Presentation : AWS 201 : Advanced Breakout Track .  ( January 2012)
"Design for Failure"  High Availability and Disaster Recovery Best Practices

Presentation : Architecting an Scalable and Highly Available WordPress in AWS (December 2011)

Presentation :
AWS Cloud Tour 2011 : Scale new business peaks with Amazon AutoScaling

Presentation :
Prepare your IT Infrastructure for Thanksgiving: Taking ecommerce to the cloud

Presentation : Auto Scaling using AWS

Presentation :High Availability Architectures using AWS (May 2011)
Cloud developer Conference 2011 , Bangalore 

Cloud Developer Conference May 2011 SiliconIndia : Design for Failure - High Availability using AWS

Presentation 8: Mobile Cloud Architectures
Webinar with Jeff Barr , AWS Evangelist ( Feb 2012)

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