
Friday, May 10, 2013

Understanding Amazon Elastic Load Balancing in Detail

Amazon Elastic Load Balancing is one of the most popular load balancers of AWS Cloud infra. I have compiled the series of articles i have written on this subject here:

Dissecting Amazon Elastic Load Balancing : Amazon ELB is dissected into 18+ points and analysed based on the production implementation experience. This article is a must read for all Amazon ELB users who wants to understand in detail what ELB can do and what are some of the road blocks you can face sometimes when using Amazon ELB. Click here for the article.  

Amazon ELB Implementation Architectures : Amazon ELB can be implemented in variety of architectures in your AWS cloud. Some of them are real bad cases and some of them follow best practices. If you want to understand the common implementation architectures and its pro's/con's refer this article  

Comparison Analysis between Amazon ELB and HAProxy:  HAProxy is a popular OSS software load balancer widely used in Amazon Cloud Infrastructure. This article provides a detailed comparison between the two and analyzes where both of them stand. This article is featured in the HAProxy web site as well. Click here for the article

Configuring Amazon ELB and understanding the parameters in detail: Amazon provides a detailed documentation on how to configure ELB. In this article i have detailed the configuration steps with detailed understanding on the parameters and its implications. Must read of Amazon ELB newbies. Click here for the article 

Geo Distributed Load Balancing using Route53 and Amazon ELB: Some customers would have Geo Distributed their architecture across multiple Amazon EC2 regions. In this article we explore why do we need Geo Distributed architecture, Cost of Latency and how to achieve it using Route 53 + Amazon ELB. Click here for the article

Configuring Amazon ELB With SSL offloading: How to configure SSL with Amazon ELB. Click here for the article What are the benefits of offloading SSL in Amazon ELB. Here

Monitoring Amazon ELB using Amazon CloudWatch and understanding the result and metrics

Why do we need Amazon Elastic Load Balancing and What are its benefits ?

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