
Friday, May 10, 2013

AWS Cost Saving Tip 9: Have EBS Snapshots Deletion- Retention strategy in place

Amazon EBS snapshots are incremental backups, meaning that every snapshot only copies the blocks in the volume that were changed since the last snapshot.  The TOC and only changed blocks are copied (in compressed form) to the S3 in subsequent snapshots. If you have a volume with 10 GB of data, but only 2 GB of data have changed since your last snapshot, only the 2 GB of modified data is written to Amazon S3 during the snapshot process. When the blocks are copied they are compressed before getting stored in Amazon S3.

It is usually very complex to predict the cost of storage associated with EBS snapshots though some use perfmon, Disk Monitor, IoTop etc to guess as close a possible. 
In this article based on my experience have suggested some patterns to understand EBS snapshot costing in detail and how to avoid leakages and save money while using them.

Imagine you have 1.5 TB of EBS volumes of which ~ 1TB is occupied.  Let us explore the patterns based on above assumptions:

Read only DB: Though practically you will not find databases that are completely read-only for understanding purposes let us imagine there is one. Whenever you take a snapshot from this database after first full snapshot copy (~1 TB), it won’t occupy much storage space for subsequent snapshots because there is literally no change in this database, so no changed blocks and hence no copy to Amazon S3 also occurs. Imagine you have and automated Snapshot mechanism every day for this database, you can go ahead and delete all the old copies of the snapshot regularly and retain only the latest copy.  Even if you miss to delete the old copies you will not end up much with leakage in cost in this case, because you will be paying for the 1 TB snapshot (first time) and not much for the subsequent snapshot storage.

Normal Read-Write DB:  
Read-Write ratio (90:10) is a normal pattern that can be observed in many Databases. Imagine you have a ~1 TB EBS (used) and everyday there is 7-10% data change on the volume, assuming  efficient compression in place and close to ~30GB changed data is copied to S3. Assuming the first full snapshot process will take ~1 TB snapshot storage space in S3 and then every day the incremental will be ~30 GB to Amazon S3. If retention period is 30 days for the snapshots, then 900 GB of snapshot storage will be additionally added in S3 totaling to ~1.9 TB in 30 days.  
In case the IT team does not have a mechanism in place to delete the snapshots regularly, then over a year they would have aggregated following cost leakage:
1024 GB (full snapshot) + 11824 GB (Aggregated @900 GB a month) = 11824 GB of snapshot storage consumed. This equates to ~7933 USD in cost @0.095 $ per GB of snapshot storage cost in Amazon S3.
Is there a better way to cut this leakage and reduce the cost in Amazon S3? Yes, since snapshots are incremental in nature, the old snapshots can be deleted anytime. The IT team just needs to have proper mechanism in place to manually or automatically delete the older snapshots. Depending upon the application characteristics, they should have proper retention periods (with deletion) and snapshot version maintenance strategy in place. This way they can efficiently manage the snapshot storage and reduce the cost leakage. Imagine the same IT team has a 30 days retention strategy and mechanism in place for deleting the snapshots; now let us revisit the costs:
1024 GB (full snapshot) + 900 GB (maintained @900 GB a month) = 1924 GB of snapshot storage consumed. This equates to ~2290 USD in cost @0.095 $ per GB of snapshot storage cost in Amazon S3. This snapshot retention/deletion process in place easily translates to 70% reduction in cost leakage and savings.  Refer the below table for cost comparison and savings


More savings can be achieved in some use cases if the retention periods are much more compact. If your application has more write ratio, then efficient snapshot deletion strategy in place can help you save more costs.

Frequency of snapshots depends purely on the RTO/RPO of your DB. Some of the common patterns I have observed are 5-10 minutes, 1 hour and 1 day for Snapshots. You need to have file system like XFS to freeze while taking snapshots for consistency. Take snapshots from the Slaves and incase if you take it once a day, Schedule it when least activity is there in your DB.    

Other Tips

Cost Saving Tip 1: Amazon SQS Long Polling and Batch requests
Cost Saving Tip 2: How right search technology choice saves cost in AWS ?
Cost Saving Tip 3: Using Amazon CloudFront Price Class to minimize costs
Cost Saving Tip 4 : Right Sizing Amazon ElastiCache Cluster
Cost Saving Tip 5: How Amazon Auto Scaling can save costs ?
Cost Saving Tip 6: Amazon Auto Scaling Termination policy and savings
Cost Saving Tip 7: Use Amazon S3 Object Expiration
Cost Saving Tip 8: Use Amazon S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage
Cost Saving Tip 9: Have efficient EBS Snapshots Retention strategy in place

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